Tuesday 1 December 2015

GUI Art #3 -- Key Assets

Here, I was to create a set of keys that will be used on the Inventory screen. Rather than downloading an image from the internet, I was tasked to make a key that would go into the game. Firstly, I made a quick key for Jemilla to use whilst testing the game. I simply used a simple outline, gave it a few overlays and made a rustic looking key. This was used for about a week, while testing was done.

This key is the first key you find in game. It is meant to look kind of plane and old as it is used on the cupboard in the office. I simply made a quick outline using the pen tool in Photoshop. I then Overlayed it with a gray color, then added a few bits of lighting and bevel to give the key depth. I downloaded a splatter texture, and added a brown color to it. I then overlayed it on the key and it created a simple rust texture. This was good enough to use as you don't see it very clearly on screen anyway, but it will still be recognized as a key by the player.

The third key I created was the final design for the "Big Key". This key is used to open the last door in the game. The group wanted something that looks fancier than the first key you find in game. I made it a lot thinner but slightly longer. I also gave it a circle pattern for the handle part. Pretty much the same process as the first key, but I did not give it a rust of dirt look as this key is supposed to be new.

Here, Jem wanted the key to be golden in color as the material used to make the key is gold.

This is just a simple poster to go above the key making machine. It is simply a paper texture, with the gold key, then the text Forges Keys.

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