Tuesday 8 December 2015

Asset Building: Wooden Box and Barrel

An asset required for the team build was that of a wooden box; industrial in design, fitting to the concept art presented.

Simple greybox modelling began with a cube polygon, inserting an edge loop around all six sides. The side faces are then extruded as to create the raised edges of the wooden box.

Taking the greybox, unwrapping the UVs allowed texturing of the box. This particular object, being a simple mesh, was easy to unwrap and to define the texture seams. Modelling this object allowed me to take a little time, and learn as much of the uv editing tool as I could.

Hand painting the texture as a tile allowed for easy reproduction over the uv.
This texture is then applied to the low poly mesh in the material editor. I am pleased with the result of this asset, the texture and seams of the uv has turned out better than I expected. I would, however, like to next time explore the possibilities of bump mapping the mesh to create some finer textures.

The barrel asset was constructed using a similar technique, with the texture applied being a generic shader. I did not have time to texture this asset in the end, so the addition of a generic shader does not give the asset any justice.

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