Tuesday 1 December 2015

GUI Art #5 -- Menu and On screen buttons

 Here are some of the on screen items that are used in game. These are some things Jem asked me to make for her. The first two, are used for closing dialogue boxes. I made a purple one for Lavender, and a blue one for the ghost. But we decided not to have dialogue for the ghost.

This is the paused screen. The first image is the one that is used in game. Jem asked me to create the black background a little bigger, as it doesnt fit the screen, so now there is enough space to give her freedom of movement.

The box has a little blur in the middle, and I offered to fix it, but Jem said its fine as you cannot see it much in game when the text is covering it.

This is the pause button. I just used the menu box with II in the middle. I did create a button that was unique to the rest of the GUI, but we decided it was too plain. Jem suggested I use this box for most of the GUI. So I did.

The next ones are used for the cinematic introduction. The buttons are used to click through the intro images. There is also a skip button that will allow players to skip past if they are a returning player.

These are simple text layers used for the Pause Menu. They glow in game. Nothing too special.

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