Tuesday 8 December 2015

Miscellaneous Assets

Miscellaneous Assets in this post includes small objects created and used in the game.

Chair created for the office space; generic shader applied as texture wasn't needed. The overall shape was constrained by the concept art, fitting in with the cartoony, skewed effect the game is utilising. I like the process in creating this asset, but would wish to texture it next time.

Ceiling support. Generic texture applied in-engine, basic geometry, utilising edge loops and transform constraints to create overall shape.

Desk Created as to the concept artists spec, with a working lamp placed on the top surface. This allowed me to explore Mayas' built in light tool, find the best combination of light and placement for export.

Door created using basic polygon shapes, with an extrusion on the front face to create the window. The handle was created as a separate mesh and combined with the door mesh.

Lamp was created as to uniformly light the scene, using the edge loop tool and transform constraints to create the overall shape. The faces where the glass would be was extracted as to allow another material to be applied, making the appearance of transparent glass, allowing a light source to be placed inside of the mesh.  

Both the floor plane and the windows were textured using hand painted .psd files. The creation of a texture tile made the application of the material onto a mesh appear more refined. Hand painting the texture in photoshop took its time, but I am pleased with the result, and I can reuse the texture for a later date.

The smelting pot was constructed using a basic cylinder polygon object, with the transform constraints creating the scale and shape. Edge looping and extruding the top faces allowed the object to become a container. Unwrapping the UV maps and importing them into Photoshop allowed the hand painting of the texture maps, these were then applied to the mesh. I enjoyed the texturing of this model, and I am pleased with the end result.

The light strip was created to initially light the scene from above. It was then decided that this asset would not be used, and became obsolete.

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