Tuesday 8 December 2015


The Generator asset plays a key role in the game, acting as a puzzle, upon which the player must complete to continue their progress in the game.

They Grey-boxing of the generator follows closely to the concept art presented, and incorporates buttons, a cog, and some handles. The concept defines the generator to be skewed and stylized in design, with 2 pipes extruding from the top and the right side.

 After some liaising with our concept artist, it was decided that the pipes protruding from the generator should be modelled in a more stylized way. In addition to this, it was decided that the top pipe will have to feature a longer pipe, as to allow the generator to fit, according to the prototype, in the scene. 

As my first asset created for the game, I had to re-learn most of the basic tools in Maya. Next time I try to recreate an asset in Maya, I would like to spend a little more time learning the tool set, as this will allow me to become more familiar and comfortable with modelling. I am, however, pleased with the result in terms of a first attempt.

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