Thursday 3 December 2015

Generator and switch

The concept for the asset 'Generator', was defined as a central game asset. This being the case, the basic geometry of the object was confined by the dimensions of the space it would occupy; this meant that the asset would have to feature an elongated pipe extruding from the top of the asset. 

The Generator was constructed from a basic cube polygon, edge loops were used to define the overall shape. The assets features were constructed directly on the mesh; this proved to be troublesome as the UV unwrap turned out to be complex. It was decided that the generator asset was to have a basic material texture applied to save time.   

A switch was also created in conjunction to the generator asset. This switch was to be used in a core part of the game, stemming from the use of the generator, enabling the player to continue their progression.

This asset was produced using basic polygon shapes, with the transform constraints defining size and shape, with the edge loop tool creating the skew on the arm.

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