Saturday 5 December 2015

Lost Factory Beta Game Prototype

For the Beta, I added the menu system, the finished assests, the cut scene and dialog boxes. We mainly needed to add dialog as one of the biggest problems with the game is that people don't know what to do. The dialog boxes give hints to what the player needs to do, and since they've been added, people find it more clear.
Another problem that araised was that the triggers that changed the cameras stopped working. I put in a debug log to see what was wrong, and it terned out that the code thoght the character was both entering and exiting the trigger at the same time. I tried to fix this by bualing the game again using the finished assets. But the problem was still there. For some reaion, the character animation had also stoped working as she started moving really slowly, and when sped up, she would slide all over the nav mesh. The only way to fix this in the end was to go back to the gray box version of the game and work from there. Because of this, Richard coden't texture a lot of the assets, as the gray box wan't unwrapped. To try and make the game look better, we worked together to add unity materials to the things that coden't be textured.

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