Tuesday 6 October 2015

Luther - Concept Enviroment


The game is set in a derelict late Victorian era steel mill that has been left rotting and forgotten for some years. The exterior shot of the plant gives wide view of a crumbling rusted and dilapidated structure. The orange sky approaching dusk was to make the steel mill seem more foreboding and un-inviting as well as to set the scene for the rest of game taking place during night-time. 

Much of the interior is a dim lit environment with various broken down machines that look as though they have not been used or maintained. The main room is a wide and vast expanse with skylights obscured and grimed over. This was to block some light from entering the interior thus adding to the dark and murky environment, as well as to obscure any sight of the outside world, giving a feeling of isolation and no escape. Dangling from the ceiling are various chains and smelting pots approaching ruin and moments away from simply plummeting to factory floor, while there are also crates, broken pieces of machinery, empty rusted smelting trenches and furnaces. 

 The office has some luxury items adorning it to give the impression that it was once occupied by someone of a managerial role, thus the ganging picture frame and clock, as well as the bookcase.

The spare room was both for storage as well as being a workshop. Here there are stacks of crates and boxes which further block light adding more shadowy areas and creating a feeling of uncertainty. 

The generator occupies the spare room and is an unattractive device, bearing pipes and wires traveling into the walls and floors in a confusing pattern. 

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