Tuesday 6 October 2015

GUI Art #1 -- Laying Out The GUI

Each one of these images are not final! They are simply a place holder for the final art, and to give an idea of where we want everything and how we want the layout of the gui to look before making the final art.

Subtitles and Empty Power Bar

Here is the layout for the Subtitles for when the character(s) speak. This feature cannot be turned on or off as we are not sure weather we are doing voice acting, and it will be a lot easier to do it through music and subs. The empty power bar can also be seen, when the character uses the orb to produce "light", it will drain and when drained, the player will have to wait until it has filled.

Full Power Bar and Closed Inventory

Here is the template for the closed inventory. When the player is not using the inventory system, they can close it to clear the view and give them more of a screen to view on. The power bar is also full here.

Open Inventory

Here is the open inventory. It will give the player a hint to their objective. It will also show what room they are in so the player will not get so confused (Possible feature).

Paused Menu

This is a template for the paused menu. When paused, it will fade the background screen to a light black to draw attention to the main menu part of the pause screen. The player will be presented with a few options. Along with a quit, options, logo of the game and the word paused if it wasn't clear enough that the game is now paused.

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