Monday 23 November 2015

Lost Factory Alpha Game Prototype

When making the alpha, what I really wanted to fouce on was getting actual game play macanics in. This manly meant making an inventory, setting up the items and making them interact with the environment. I also wanted to put in the character model and set up the game using the newer assets.

As the character was already done, I desiced to work on that first. Getting the animation to work with the code didn't take to long, but making sure the nav mesh agent was right took a lot of fiddling. Once I got it just right, I saved it as a assest and put it in game. I them realized that the model was too big so I scaled it down. But this made the nav mesh agent go funny again and it was taking me too long trying to realin it. Instead, I simply scaled the environment up, which worked fine.

As I haven't revised the final lay out for the factory yet, I continued to make the inventory using the gray box. We wanted the inventory UI to be  based around her bag, as thats where she would put the items. However, the slots where tricky to lay out in a reasonable manner. Me and Cameron descused different lay outs, and originally we wanted the items to look like they where floating magically around the bag, linking to Lavender's magical powers. But in the end we desided that this was unneeded and as I had other problems to fix concuring the inventory, getting effects in was more of an unneeded luxury.

Another main part of the game play I really wanted to get in was the animation of the smelting pot. After making the animation for the pot and cobord, i wrote a coruten on the switch that sets off the animation when the switch is pressed. This made it look that the pot had knocked down and then a small key falls out.

Peer Assessment
Overall, the most positive feed back the game got was about the visuals. People asecally liked the way Lavender looked, and that the environment was interesting. One of the biggest problems was the movement of the character. Thought the animation worked, people mentioned that she moved to fast, got stuck behind or in things, and sometimes she spins in place. 

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