Monday 23 November 2015

Character Mesh Fixing

After texturing the satchel and placing it in engine with the character a bug developed where it would not move with the character animations. I trying parenting the satchel with the character, which didn't work and after talking it through with Jemila realised that it must be because I'd imported it as a separate object.

So I went back into Maya unbound the skin from the rig and combined the satchel with the character and merged a couple of vertices to make them one object. Then rebound the the combined character with satchel to the rig and imported it into Unity. However this process had broken the satchel texture.

To fix that I adjusted the satchel UVs and placed the satchel texture I made onto the same texture sheet as the character. Fortunately there was enough spare room and I didn't need to readjust the character texture. I'm glad I was able to fix this and keep the satchel in game and I will definitely remember to keep rigged characters as all one piece in the future.


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